2310 North 400 East

North Logan, UT 84341

1030 Medical Drive

Brigham City, UT 84302

(435) 787-2000

Mon. - Thu. 8 am to 5 pm

Friday 8 am to 2 pm

2310 North 400 East

North Logan, UT 84341

1030 Medical Drive

Brigham City, UT 84302

(435) 787-2000

Mon. - Thu. 8 am to 5 pm

Friday 8 am to 2 pm

Phone: (435) 774-8517
​Fax: (435) 787-1913


Resident, Foot and Ankle Surgical Residency
University of Utah and Veterans Affairs Medical Center


M.D. - California College of Podiatric Medicine

B.S. - Brigham Young University - Microbiology

Dr. Spencer B. Heninger, D.P.M.

What Dr. Heninger can do for you:

Platelet Rich Protein Injections for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis

​These injections are also known as PRP. They contain growth factors and other proteins that can help repair damaged tissue, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. PRP injections can also improve function and may reduce the need for surgery or medication.  He uses Hydrocision as a diagnosis.

Bunion Repair (minimally invasive) 3D Bunion Correction

This procedure corrects the bony bump that is forming on your foot with smaller incisions which results in less postoperative pain, faster recovery, and less stiffness at the big toe

Foot and Ankle fracture treatment

Dr. Heninger does both conservative and surgical treatment.

Total Ankle Arthroplasty

(TAA), also known as ankle replacement surgery, is a procedure where a damaged ankle joint is replaced with an artificial implant. It is usually performed to relieve pain and improve mobility in people with severe ankle arthritis, where the cartilage in the ankle has worn down due to injury, wear and tear, or conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Emergency Ingrown Toenail Removal​

Diabetic high risk foot care

24/7 treatment options for foot and ankle injuries

Radio frequency ablation

Custom Functional foot Orthotics

Extensive wound care treatment

Post surgical foot pain solutions

Heel pain-minimally invasive repair

*Dr Heninger is a provider for Tetra Products they can be purchased at either front desk location without a prescription. Formula 3, GlyCylic, Kamea 20, and FungiFoam

*Dr Heninger is one of Forward Motions Top Doctors, they are the Manufacturer for the custom orthotics and braces found here: https://fdmotion.com/fdmotion-banners

*Dr Heninger is the only provider in Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming that uses https://www.hydrocision.com/product/tenjet-patient/ Hydrocision/TenJet as a treatment option for chronic tendinopathy. The benefits of it is Real-time image guided procedure Instantaneous resection and evacuation of diseased tissue, allows clear visualization of tissue changes during the procedure. TenJet can be used to treat tendinosis on any part of the body safely and effectively.

TenJet is A Minimally Invasive Outpatient Procedure. TenJet addresses the pathology, not just the symptoms. High velocity saline jet, with pressures up to 14,000 psi, acts as a cutting blade to resect degenerative tendon tissue without generating heat.

Post procedure the patient is protected in a brace or boot for approximately 2-4 weeks then activity is tolerated.

While most insurance companies require it to be done at an ambulatory surgical center, Dr Heninger can also do the procedure in the office when patients are self-pay. Having the procedure done in the office keeps the overhead procedure cost down and in turn saves the patient money.

Below is a list of conditions Dr. Heninger treats with a link to the American Podiatry Association explaning the condition and treatment.

“Dr. Heninger did surgery on my foot and he is amazing. He makes sure to explain exactly what's going to happen and whats going to go down, he is patient and a good listener, sets goals with you for recovery and is just really personable.” 

Kailee Sheridan

“Great doctor and surgeon. Wants the best for his patients. Very caring doctor.” 

Angie Curtis

"Very professional Doctor and has helped me have a better quality of life. Happy feet!”

Perry Tracy

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8:00 am to 5:00 pm
8:00 am to 2:00 pm

(435) 787-2000

(435) 787-1913